Monday, July 14, 2008

Introducing....your Orientation Staff!!

Orientation planning continues...

Genesis is officially over. Almost all of the new students have registered for classes and are preparing to come to Fox in the fall. That means there is work to be done! Soon Michelle and I will be placing students into groups for Orientation, placing them with their Orientation leaders and possibly one of their First Year Seminar Peer Advisors. If you are a new student, within the next few weeks you should be contacted by your leaders as they introduce themselves to you, get to know a little bit about you, and make themselves avaible to answer any questions you may have before venturing to campus.

The Orientation Newsletter has been finalized and will be in print this week. In the newsletter you will find articles from Michelle and myself, as well as the Orientation Director (Joel Perez), the Serve Day Coordinator (Kayin Griffith), your Orienation Committee, a current George Fox Parent and a George Fox Alum. Each person has written an article to provide you with important information as you prepare to come to Fox. Read each article and then pass it along to your parents so they have the information as well. Michelle and I will be sending that out to all of you at the beginning of next week, so be looking in your mailboxes for those soon.

Things are warming up here in the Berg. We've officially gone at least five days without any rain, crazy! However, the quad looks beautiful with the flower pots blooming and the trees full of life. This weather makes me excited for the first few weeks of school as the quad becomes alive again with students. Not that I'm ready for school quite yet, but there are a few things that I miss.

I haven't watched So You Think You Can Dance in two I have no updates or comments currently. Check back for those.

Well, seeing as how the blog currently consists of only Michelle and I's writing, we decided that it would be a good idea to give some others a chance for you to get to know them. We have asked the Orientation Leaders and Orientation Committee to write a little bit about themselves for the blog, helping you get to know them more and be familiar with the people that will be here to greet you when you arrive in August. We will be posting from a few new people every few days or so. Keep checking back and reading what the Orientation staff has to say to you!

More updates to come. We hope that this blog has been a good resource for you. Let us know if you have any questions we can answer!

With love and smiles --

Jessie Sarver
Junior Orientation Co-coordinator

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