Monday, June 30, 2008

Beyond the Books~

Academia - the wonderful world of college. We are told as high schoolers that college is all about academic success, full of studying and hard work. The doorway into your future. Though this is definitely part of the package, your college career is more than simply earning a degree. It's so much more than that.

It's about development. It's about finding out who you are as an individual. It's about knowing what your purpose is and running with your passions. It's about molding you to be the person you want to be. It's about life.

For me, it's also about relationships. If I have learned anything at all during my time here at Fox, it's that relationships are everything. Now, these aren't relationships strictly in the romantic sense, but they are relationships with friends, co-workers, faculty, staff, classmates, and most importantly, Jesus Christ.

During the beginning of my college career, I spent most of my time with my head in my books. I studied hard and earned good grades but felt like there was some part of my experience that I was missing. The more time that I have spent here, I have learned that being social and getting to know people is just as important as succeeding in the classroom. I've learned how important it is to me to spend time with the ones I love. I want to know more about those I care about -- how they tick, what drives them, what their passions are, how God is working in their lives -- and the only way for me to do that is to spend time with them.

This is one of the last times in our lives that we will be in concentrated area with our peers. Because of that, we have to take advantage of it. People say that the kind of relationships you develop during your college career are nothing like any relationship of your past. I believe that with my whole heart. You get to see people in a raw environment. You enter their living areas and their daily routines, interacting with them by being a part of their lives. The relationships are intimate and real. There's nothing else like it.

It amazes me how fast I can connect with students here at Fox. I can feel like I've known people forever but may have only met them last month. My professors talk to me like I'm a friend that they care about. The RA's give so much of themselves to the residents in their halls. Faculty members know my name, listen to my stories, and love me for simply being a student here. The connections are deeper and stronger. They are vulnerable but lasting.

Now how does this relate to Orientation? Orientation weekend is the first opportunity for you to meet new people and create new relationships. Some of the people you will meet in this first weekend could turn out to be some of your best friends. I met three of my best friends in my First Year Seminar class and many others during the activities of Orientation weekend. I cherish these relationships just as much as I benefit from the academic life of Fox. These relationships have molded me and changed me. And I remember where these relationships started: the beginning.

Take some time during your Orientation experience to branch out and meet new people. Get to know the people that you might never haved talked to in high school or would have passed by on the street. You never know how these new people will impact your life.

-- Jessie Sarver--
Junior Orientation Co-Coordinator

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

For the LOVE of Coffee!

For most of my life up until a few years ago I (Michelle) really disliked coffee. Any aspect of it would turn me away ... the smell, taste, texture. I especially hated anything that was coffee flavored, ice cream, candy, etc. My mom and sister are avid coffee drinkers and they unsuccessfully attempted many times to get me to cross over. I always insisted that I would never in my life become a coffee drinker. Well ..... that was before college.

The summer before my freshman year I was brave enough to begin drinking extra sugary Frappuccinos from Starbucks. These became my signature drink and they were much needed during the warm summer in Arizona. I felt pretty cool as a recent high school grad with my Starbucks drink in hand. My freshman year at Fox opened many doors to events that included coffee. It is the Northwest, there has to be a coffee shop on every corner!
I was still fairly slow with my entrance into the world of lattes, mochas, and cappuccinos; however, I no longer turned up my nose to the mention of the black caffeinated drink. My drinks continued to include extra amounts of chocolate and sugar; just enough that the coffee was difficult to taste, but a good amount so I could get the caffeine I needed. It wasn't until my Sophomore year that "coffee" began to take on new meaning for my everyday college life.

I realized that in order to get through my 7:40 class two times a week ..... I needed a coffee pot in my room.
In order to be successful in the classes immediately following lunch ..... I would need that shot of caffeine.
If I wanted to stay up late writing a long paper or studying for mid-terms ... I went for the coffee.
As you can see coffee has been helpful during those late nights and early mornings .... however, my love for coffee isn't just because of it's ability to keep me awake.

For the LOVE of coffee -- My sister and I met for two years every Thursday morning at 7:00 am to bond, have good conversation, and love on one another through a difficult period of our lives.
For the LOVE of coffee -- My two good friends and I would catch up on each others lives at our favorite coffee shop.
For the LOVE of coffee -- I have had profound conversations with professors who care about my college experience ... not just the academic part.
For the LOVE of coffee -- I've had the opportunity to invest in others and share my "life story."

This blog isn't necessarily about loving coffee or not loving it. Rather, it's about the memories and conversations I've had over the last three years that have molded me to be the person I am today ...... the coffee cup has simply been a witness to these experiences.

I hope that as you begin your transition to Fox, you find your "LOVE of coffee," something that can encourage laughter, growth, relationships, and make your "cup" your own.

Senior Orientation Co-Coordinator

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We've moved :)

So Michelle and I had a big day today - we moved to the other side of the office :)

The Stevens Center is going through some major changes by moving around the offices on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Apparently, we were in need of some new scenery. So the Student Life office has been moved to the other side of the 3rd floor as we make way for President Baker to move in next to us. We like the new space. There's a lot more room, more connection to the rest of the Student Life staff and now I get to look out a window rather than at the blank wall. I'm happy.

We've been spending the last few days doing a lot of brainstorming to make Orientation even better than before. I have to say, brainstorming really is a storm in the brain. I never thought I'd have my head hurt from trying to come up with ideas! Crazy! But, it's all worth it in the end of course.

Since Michelle told you a little about herself. I thought that I would join the party~

My name is Jessie Sarver and I am a Junior nursing major with a music theatre minor.
I was born and raised in Medford, OR, never to move until my first days at Fox.
I spend most of my time this summer with friends from Fox, in and around the Newberg/Portland/Vancouver area.
I love to sing, dance and act - the triple threat you might say...ha!
Last year I was part of the University Players :)
I have four cats at home and I wish that we were allowed furry friends at school.
I love coffee that has chocolate or lots of sugar. I'm a caffeine lover.
I'm obsessed with One Tree Hill, House, 24, and So You Think You Can Dance. I also like The Office too.
I'm excited to graduate and do some serious traveling, mostly around Europe.
Mainly, I love to have fun. I'm loud and crazy and love to laugh. You'll see plenty of me jumping around at Orientation.

There are a few big things in the works that Michelle and I are really excited about. The schedule is now completely up to date as far as we know. As we make more changes, be sure to check it out on the website. I've been working on the website a bit, trying to make things a bit more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful for you all as well as informative. That's what the job's all about, right?? Be sure to keep an eye out for newly taken photos of Michelle and I, your Orientation Coordinators.

Does anyone have any ideas for the weekend? We love to have suggestions of things that students would like to have happen, since we're still in the preliminary stages. Let us know! Leave a message anytime.

Oh, BTW, So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight! The first week of the actual competition. I hope you're all as excited as I am!!

Hope summer is going well. I'll be back on the blog soon. Until then, happy days!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Second Week of June =)

Hello Everyone!

My name is Michelle and I am one of the Orientation Coordinators working this summer to plan an awesome weekend for you all! This is my second year in this role so I am pretty excited about getting to experience orientation again.

You are probably wondering a little bit about who I am, so let me tell you!
I will be a senior this fall and am majoring in Sociology and minoring in Psychology and Business.
I am from Flagstaff, AZ, but originally grew up in Western Washington.
I have a boyfriend who I have been dating for almost 4 1/2 years
I am the youngest of three children - I have a brother who is 23 and a sister who is 26.
I love spending time with my family
I recently got back from a four week trip in Europe - I went to five countries (Italy, Austria, Germany, France, and Switzerland); it was amazing!!
I love to drink coffee and read books
I enjoy spending time outside and being active
I'm a pretty big fan of Gilmore Girls, Friends, and Lost

Jessie and I have been working in the Orientation office for almost a week and a half. We had a great first week working on finalizing the weekend's schedule and making initial contacts with everyone that contributes to Orientation. We are pretty confident that Orientation 2008 will be one of the best!!
We are still working on the details for the Mystery Bus Tour, but once registration is up online we will let you know.

Don't Forget ... Orientation begins Thursday, August 28th!!!